Parallel to his clinical, scientific and teaching work, Sergije Dogan was engaged in a wider area of social and cultural activities. He was a member of the Federal Assembly, a member of the Astronomical-Aeronautical Society, traveled a lot, collaborated with the economy, gave interviews on current issues…

Sergije Dogan’s traveller’s card [Průkazka na jízdy za cenu zlevněnou]
Czechoslovak State Railways, Prague, 1937

Memorial Charter of the Zagreb Energy Institute awarded to Prof. Sergije Dogan
Zagreb, December 14, 1963

Dr. Sergije Dogan’s Card of the Deserving Member of the Astronomical-Aeronautical Society of the Socialist Republic of Croatia
Zagreb, 1960s

Memorial Plaque Skriptara Zagreb, May 9, 1945 – May 9, 1965
Zagreb, 1965

Memorial plaque 10 years of the domestic production of Geomycin and Bemycin – Pliva / Oxytetracyclin 1959 – 1969
Zagreb, 1969

Puljizević, Jozo. Kockanje sa zdravljem: razgovor s prof. drom Sergijem Doganom o akutnim teškoćama našega zdravstva [Gambling with health: an interview with Prof. Dr. Sergije Dogan on the acute difficulties of our health care].
Vjesnik u srijedu, no. 886, April 23, 1969, p. 5.
DHMS CASA Archives

Payment booklet of Dr. Sergije Dogan’s parliamentary income
Federal Assembly of the SFRY, Belgrade, 1969

Certificate of Acknowledgement by the Trade Union Branch of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb to Sergije Dogan
Zagreb, May 8, 1970

Diploma of the professional journal Medicinar on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its founding awarded to Dr. Sergije Dogan
Zagreb, May 13, 1971

Seaman’s Book of Dr. Sergije Dogan
Harbormaster’s Office in Rijeka, April 29, 1972

Payment booklet of Jugolinija Rijeka
Rijeka, 1972

ID of Federal Representative Dr. Sergije Dogan
Federal Assembly of the SFRY, Belgrade, 1973.

Payment booklet of Dr. Sergije Dogan’s parliamentary income
Federal Assembly of the SFRY, Belgrade, 1973

Savezna Skupština / Informacije za poslanika [Federal Assembly / Information for MPs] (brochure)
Belgrade, 1973

plaque-souvenir from the legacy of Sergije Dogan
Dubrovnik, second half of the 20th century

O kulturi govori… dr Sergije Dogan: mišljenje poznatog liječnika o vezama medicine i kulture, o knjigama koje čita, o Krležinu Dnevniku, o naivnom slikarstvu, o punim i praznim kazalištima i o nekim „bolestima“ Zagreba [Dr. Sergije Dogan talks about culture: the opinion of a well-known doctor about the connections between medicine and culture, about the books he reads, about Krleža’s Diary, about naive painting, about full and empty theaters and about some “diseases” of Zagreb].
Oko, vol. I, no. 6, May 23, 1973, p. 7.
DHMS CASA Archives
He died unexpectedly in a car accident on April 17, 1979. Long after his death, his work continued to live in quotations of new generations of neurologists, in the memories of many of his associates, and thus it remained inscribed in the development and history of our eminent institutions. Finally, his legacy, which is today preserved in two of Academy’s institutions, will certainly be positive motivation for future research, exhibitions, presentation and evaluation of the role of this prominent Croatian doctor.

Hajnšek, Franjo; Gjurašin, Mirko. Dugo, dugo će još vremena proći dok bolna istina ne postane dio svakodnevne stvarnosti: u povodu tragične smrti akademika prof. dr. Sergija Dogana [It will be a long, long time before the painful truth becomes a part of everyday reality: on the occasion of the tragic death of academician Prof. Dr. Sergije Dogan].
Naše novine: glasilo Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb, vol. II, no. 14, May 1979., pp. 2-3.
DHMS CASA Archives