Contribution to childhood neurology

For many years he was preoccupied with the problems of childhood neurology and was accordingly an advisor at the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation and a teacher at the College of Special Education and Rehabilitation.

In addition to specialised departments and laboratories, he encouraged and developed medical work related to extrapyramidal diseases, headaches and head trauma. He gathered around him a number of associates and encouraged the organization of the Symposium on Cerebrovascular Diseases, which, according to his colleague Nenad Grčević, played a major role in our region in raising the standards of diagnosis, therapy and scientific research in this important area.

As the head of the Department of Neurology, he initiated a postgraduate study in neurology. He was one of the founders of the Institute for the Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy at Goljak Hospital in Zagreb and the president of the Rehabilitation Committee of the State Secretariat for Health and Social Welfare of Croatia.

Dogan S. Cerebralna infantilna paraliza [Cerebral infantile paralysis].

Neuropsihijatrija, vol. 18 (1970), no. 1
DHMS CASA Archives

Dogan S. Disfunkcija šake kod cerebralne infantilne paralize [Hand dysfunction in cerebral infantile paralysis].

Drugi simpozij o bolestima i ozljedama šake, Zagreb, 1970. Separate print.
DHMS CASA Archives


Certificate of Acknowledgement by the Institute for Rehabilitation of Physically Disabled Children and Youth to Prof. Sergije Dogan

Zagreb, May 16, 1972


Memorial diploma of the Goljak Institute for Rehabilitation awarded to Prof. Sergije Dogan

Zagreb, June 19, 1976


Diploma of the Institute for Rehabilitation of Physically Disabled Children and Youth awarded to Prof. Sergije Dogan

Zagreb, October 15, 1976

Gvozdanović V, Dogan S, Šimunić S, Marinšek-Čičin-Šain V, Franjic J, Miklaušić A. Cranial Computerized Tomography in the Diagnosis of Chronic Infantile Hemiplegia.

In: Lanksch W, Kazner E, ed. Cranial Computerized Tomography. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag; 1976
DHMS CASA Archives