Dogan ran the Neuropsychiatry Clinic in Zagreb from 1967 to 1971. For the sake of precision, it should be noted that in Dogan’s time, neuropsychiatry was a unique kind of specialization, and the experts of the older generation were given the title specialist of neuropsychiatry. As the volume of knowledge of both specializations increased, they were separated in 1971, so that two clinics were formed at Rebro Hospital: the Clinic of Neurology within the Zagreb School of Medicine and the Clinical Hospital Centre in Zagreb, whose first chief was Sergije Dogan, and the Clinic of Psychiatry, whose first chief was Nikola Peršić. Under Dogan’s leadership, the Clinic was reorganized so that functional departments, centres and specialised laboratories were formed. Dogan also founded and managed the Nervous System Research Unit. He obtained his doctorate in 1977 with a dissertation entitled Chronic Non-Progressive Hemiplegia in Children.

Dogan S. Klinički pregled neurološkog bolesnika [Clinical examination of a neurological patient].
Symposium in neurology and psychiatry, Ljubljana, November 6–8 1969. Separate print. Neurologija, pp. 23-94
DHMS CASA Archives

Charter of the memorial medal on the occasion of the Symposium in Neuropsychiatry in Pula in 1970 awarded to Prof. Sergije Dogan
Curatorium of the Symposium in Neuropsychiatry in Pula, May 30, 1970

En 1795 le docteur Philippe Pinel libérait les aliénés de leurs chaïnes / Salpètrière Psychiatric Hospital memorial plaque
Paris, 1970

Hans Bertha 1901 – 1964
Memorial plaque of the 5th International Symposium in Neuropsychiatry
Pula, 1970

Memorial plaque of the Conference in Neuropsychiatry of Southeast Europe
Thessaloniki, 1970s

Jušić A, Dogan S, Fronjek N. Die rhytmisch-niederfrequente Muskelstimulation in der Therapie des Parkinson-Syndroms.
Fortschritte der Neurologie – Psychiatrie und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 1971;39(8)
DHMS CASA Archives

Jusic A, Dogan S, Stojanovic V. Hereditary Persistent Distal Cramps.
London : British Medical Association, 1972.
(Reprinted from Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, Vol. XXXV, No. 3, pp. 379-384, June 1972)
DHMS CASA Archives

Hajnšek F, Dogan S, Gubarev N, Dürrigl V, Stojanović V, Jovanović UJ. Some Characteristics of Sleep in Depressed Patients – A Polygraphic Study.
In: Jovanović UJ, ed. The Nature of Sleep: International Symposium, Würzburg, September 23-26, 1971
Stuttgart : Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1973
DHMS CASA Archives

Dogan S, Roić L. Ortostatska hipotenzija i tranzitorna ishemička ataka [Orthostatic hypotension and transient ischemic attack].
In: Poljaković Z, ed. Drugi simpozij o cerebrovaskularnim bolestima: zbornik radova. Zagreb, May 9 –11, 1974
DHMS CASA Archives

Poljaković Z, Dogan S, Pudar-Klein M. Epidemiologija cerebrovaskularnih bolesti [Epidemiology of cerebrovascular diseases].
In: Poljaković Z, ed. Drugi simpozij o cerebrovaskularnim bolestima: zbornik radova. Zagreb, May 9 –11, 1974
DHMS CASA Archives

Charter to Prof. Sergije Dogan on the occasion of the Symposium in Neuropsychiatry in Pula in 1976
Curatorium of the Symposium in Neuropsychiatry in Pula, May 29, 1976

Hans Bertha 1901 – 1964
Memorial plaque of the 10th International Symposium in Neuropsychiatry
Pula, 1976